ICNF 2015 - 2nd International Conference on Natural Fibers

Natural Fibrenamics Award 2015

After the success of the 1st edition of the Natural Fibrenamics Award, this event is again included in the ICNF2015 programme, to award the best innovative products in the field of natural fibers. The innovative product applications will be shown during the conference in a special show-room prepared for this purpose and evaluated by a selected jury, in terms of innovation, design and functionality. The contest intends to be a showcase of the latest innovations in the field of natural fibers, both for the scientific and industrial communities.

No registration fees are required for applicants and conference registration is not mandatory.

The Application Form, Conditions of Entry and Jury can be found bellow. Please send your application to secretariat@icnf2015.fibrenamics.com.

The deadline for submission is April 15th.

Winner of the Natural Fibrenamics Award 2013:


  • Application form (doc, pdf)
  • Conditions of entry (pdf)
  • Jury (doc, pdf)

Best Poster Award

The Best Poster Award will be included in this edition, in recognition of the most outstanding posters of the conference. A Poster Award Committee will review all of the posters during the poster sessions. Selections are based on three criteria: Originality of the Research, Clarity of the presentation, and Quality of the results presented.

All presented posters are eligible for nomination for this award.





  • - Application form (doc, pdf)
  • - Cond. of entry (pdf)
  • - Jury (doc, pdf)


Abstract submission

30th October 2014

15th November 2014

Communication of acceptance

12th December 2014

Early registration

28th February 2015

Full Paper Submission

8th March 2015

Award Application

31th March 2015


email: secretariat

Registration form

Available soon